Tuesday, August 23, 2011

John Huntsman knows no shame!

Former governor of the American state of Utah, and more recently Obama's ambassador to China, John Huntsman campaign for the Republican Party's nomination to run against Obama in 2012 is going nowhere.
Sensible and measured that he is, say, on 'global warming' compared to the rat pack of candidates as the Elephant party's standard bearer in next year's elections, as lack luster and out of the American mainstream. On another day, he has turned his record of good governance in Utah on its heads by disowning his own record.
Is Huntsman an opportunist? Assuredly yes.
Looked up by the conservative media as a 'born loser', the man is going to length's to prove how low he can crawl.
Now, he has said if Michele Bachmann is the party's candidate for the White House, he would be proud to serve as her running mate for vice-president.
The man knows no shame, he will do anything to sup at the White House.

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