Friday, February 3, 2012

Lighten up Lee Myung bak

South Korea's president Lee Myung bak's regime has indicted Park Jung geun, 22, an activist and photographer of babies for violating the country's National Security Law.
His crime: the 'alleged' posting of tweets from North Korea's, which, reporter Choe Sang hun writes "South Korean news media regularly cite".
The NSL is controversial; it infringes on freedom of expression; Park's imprisonment has been taken up by Amnesty International.
Is Park a Communist? Most likely not. Yet, his posting of uriminzokkiri messages brands him as 'benefitting the enemy'. How? we ask.
If that is so, then why does the Lee keepers of the anti North faith gag the South Korean press? It dare not, fearing as it does, a firestorm of protest inside and out of the ROK.
Lee's thought police are not efficient in their work: a documentary on the protest movement against the building of naval base in Jeju island has a punch of rockers sarcastically using the name of Kim Jong il, the very crime Park is accused of.
It is time to think of scrapping the vague, faulty NSL which can be used by a hard line regime like Lee's in pursuit of his mad policy to rollback the North and force it to collapse; not only that he is using it to cower his own people and rolling back their basic freedoms of expression.
It is also time to release Park Jung geun from prison and drop all charges against him.
And it is time to scrap a vague, faulty law which attack basic freedoms of South Koreans and of course, immediately release Pakr Jung geun from detention and drop all charges against him.
Not only that: do the right thing and release Park Jung guen immediately.
Lighten up Lee Myung bak, old dour puss that you are. Anyone reading the press from the North cannot but be hit over the head with its wooden language and exaggerated expressions, which are the grist for much sharp and often satirical treatment.
Perhaps it is time to scrap the faulty, vague law which is an instrument in a hard line regime like Lee Myung bak who looks to quash basic freedoms of South Koreans.
If there is fascination with the North, the blame is laid at the doorstep of Lee himself and his mad policy for regime change in North Korea.

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