Sunday, March 13, 2011

PJ Crowley bites the bullet

As GuamDiary foresaw PJ Crowley the department of State spokesman who thought the treatment the Obama administration was handing out to Bradley Manning, was 'stupid and unproductive', today announced that he was stepping down.
A victim to his decency, Crowley is leaving government. We needn't worry that he will land on his feet. He will. And a think tank or a university will offer him employment.
Although he may not cherish the honour, he now joins the ranks of those who criticise or condemn Manning's treatment.
GuamDiary sincerely hopes that Crowley doesn't regret his words. Will others in government have the 'guts' to echo them? We cannot say for sure, but Crowley's remarks highlights the disfunctional nature of the American institutions which are 'a la derive'!

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