Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Israeli pirate take once more to the high sea

Whilst its Arab neighbours are going through the birth pangs of democracy, Israel once more has thumbed its nose at laws of international behaviour. Two hundred miles off its own shores, and in international waters, Israeli government sanctioned piracy went into play again.
This time it wasn't shooting their way onto a flotilla with needed supplies for Gaza, but commandeering a vessel bearing a Liberian flag, owned by a German company, but operated by a French company, on its way from Turkey to Egypt.
Israel's prime minister 'Bibi' Nethenyahu gave the green light for the operation, as the lord and master of the seas, no matter what laws and conventions he broke. For Israel is a law unto itself, it fancies itself.
The reason for the hijacking of this ship is that its cargo hold is full of arms which the first Iranian ships to pass the Suez Canal in years delivered to Syria. Allegedly Syria transhipped these 'arms' to Turkey from whence they were laden on the vessel the state sponsored Israeli terrorists seized.
The forcefully taken ship is on its way to the Israeli port of Ashdod. It may already be moored there. The Israeli bandits will interrogate the crew, inspect the ship, and try to prove that Irani arms for Gaza were aboard.
And of course hardly a protest on Israel's act of piracy!
You have to wonder about the skittish gut reaction of Netenyahu: it sees the hand of Iran in everything. And the Egyptian border with Gaza is now porous so the tight strangle hold Israel and Egypt kept on Gaza's throat is relaxed since Mubarak's overthrow. The meaning is clear: once banned supplies are now pouring into the rebuild Gaza which Israel's campaign [2008-2009] tried to flatten completely could again rise from the rubble. In other words, the Israeli land blocade is dead in the water, but not on the high seas.
Unless the US and the international community protest and boycott Israel until such time it reforms its outrageous tactics, the state controlled terrorists on the high sea will act with impunity. In the longer view, Israel's recent act of piracy in international waters, is a sign of its desperation and the growing isolation it is finding itself in.

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