Tuesday, July 19, 2011

French 'Dignite/Karama hauled into Israeli port of Ashdod

'Everything went smoothly' proud thumps the Israeli chest. Refusing the Zionist naval authorities to desist from trying to run the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza, they climbed aboard the 'Dignite/Karama' with we are a well mannered band of pirate' seizing a ship on the high seas not within its territorial waters.
What a difference a year makes, bad publicity and global condemnation by the killing of eight Turks and one American of Turkish origin on the 'Mavi Mamara', a Turkish ship part of Peace Flotilla 1, challenging the illegal blockade of Gaza by the Zionist state.
This year, Israel has used a number of tactics to stop a second flotilla by any means necessary short of murder: suborning foreign states, sabotage, calling on its pro consul and protector the US to apply pressure on a failing Greek state, as well as strong arming the Turkish state. And let's not forget, ramrodding through the Kenesset a law banning any protest against and boycott of Israel by its own citizens and foreigners.
And despite all this 'clever' pressure, a ship did break out of an Israeli designed blockade. And that ship was 'Dignite/Karama'. The ten people aboard and a Haaretz reporter and al Jazeera team did not expect to get to Gaza; what they did foresee was a thumbing their nose at an rogue state's violating international law. More than that, it is an example of how helpless and wounded is the 'lion of Judea'.

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