Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Alfred E Murdoch says What me worry, I am not responsible

We substituted K. Rupert Murdoch's surname for that of 'Mad Magazine's' iconic non worrier Alfred E. Newman.
Anyone watching yesterday's questioning the media mogul and heir apparent son James would have tasted the bitter cup of tea of falsehoods the Murdoch's served up.
Consider here was a Rupert hale and hearty at 80 at his 'dacha' in Sun Valley with his personal trainer hardly a fortnight before he flew off to London to 'handle' the scandal that was shaking his media empire.
Look at a frail, at times, confused 80 year old man who knew nothing, assumed no blame for wrongs done, until his 'amour propre' tore off his trashy act of humility...humble he was like Dickens' Uriah Heep, some might say!, and off went the lamb's fleece: voila the man we always knew as a hands on, hard nosed publisher who took no enemies and cast fear into the hearts of movers and shakers, say, in the UK and US and Australia.
If anything he was practising the studied pose of Enron top executives: blind neglect.
It was too late for fawning and humbleness and other home spun virtues: the questioning in the House of Commons had shown that the emperor was naked.
As for James Murdoch, he was as smooth as he was clueless.
The scandal is not going is spreading like a cancer out of control like the way Nixon's Watergate did. A family empire won't survive him. David Cameron will fall as so will his party.
Journalism of the kind practised by the 'Guardian' and 'The New York Times' is seeing its finest moment in a long while. Some talking heads on the 'NYT' have come to the aid and defence of Rupert Murdoch: Roger Cohen and indirectly John Burns who see in Rupert a man who saved 'journalism' but at what cost?, we ask. Even the convicted felon and fellow newspaper mogul Conrad Lord Black in an opinion piece in the 'Financial Times of London' held his nose in criticising the founder of News Corporation, for the harm he and his style had wroth on the profession and the trail of lies and broken lives and reputation that Murdoch's pursuit of slime has brought yea this half century.
Yes, Alfred E. Murdoch, little wonder you do not worry!

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